Delivery today

We delivered some Vanilla Cupcakes, Soft Pretzels and Pumpkin Muffins to Bloom Naturally today. (And there are still some Kipferl Cookies, Apple Pie slices, Welsh Cookies, Finnish Slice Cookies, and Sand Tarts left over from our last delivery.)

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Lewisburg Market

Hello, we intend to be at the Lewisburg Farmers Market tomorrow (maybe arriving closer to 9:00 than 8:00, if the roads are icy). We will have: Pumpkin Muffins, Kipferl Cookies, Welsh Cookies, Sand Tarts, Finnish Slice Cookies, Soft Pretzels, and Apple Pie.

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Delivery to Bloom Naturally

We just delivered 8 Apple Streusel Muffins and 8 boxes of Austrian Kipferl Cookies to Bloom Naturally.

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Pretzel deliveries

We will be delivering Soft Pretzels to both Dog Gone Good Fuel and Bloom Naturally today. Delivery time is slightly delayed, but sould be no later than 12:00

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Lewisburg Market

We will be at the Lewisburg Farmers Market this Wednesday, with: Kipferl Cookies, Welsh Cookies, Soft Pretzels, Finnish Slice Cookies, Pumpkin Muffins, and Apple Pie (the pie is made entirely from scratch, using local apples from Green’s Fruit Farm in a butter crust.)

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Apple Pie

We delivered 9 Apple Pie slices to Bloom Naturally this morning. The pie is made with local Winesap Apples (from Green’s Fruit Farm in Elysburg) tossed in organic sugar, tapioca starch, apple pie spice, and then baked in an all-butter crust. It’s a family favorite.

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Delivery today

We delivered some more Soft Pretzels to Bloom Naturally today, and also some Jumbo Vanilla Cupcakes.

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Deliveries today

We made our Pretzel delivery to Dog Gone Good Fuel this morning, and also made a delivery to Bloom Naturally (7 bags Welsh Cookies, 6 Soft Pretzels*, 4 boxes Kipferl Cookies, 3 bags Finnish Slice Cookies, 2 packs pumpkin muffins, 2 boxes Sugar Cookies.) *We will be making another Pretzel delivery to Bloom Naturally tomorrow.

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Lewisburg Market

We will be back at the Lewisburg Farmers Market tomorrow, with: Pumpkin Muffins, Welsh Cookies, Kipferl Cookies, Finnish Slice Cookies, etc.

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Update (sick week)

Due to illness, Windy Hill Kitchen will not be at the Lewisburg Farmers Market this week, and will not be making any deliveries to Dog Gone Good Fuel or Bloom Naturally. Hope to see you next Wednesday!

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